A walk in the Garden

Good morning folks,
Diwali is still in the air, and by that I mean pollution!
My morning started very gloomy. Everyday I wake up with good amount of sunlight peeping through my window. Yesterday, to avoid pollution I had my AC on (I know, I added to the pollution). So windows were closed. I woke up in entire darkness. Bad start!

I decided to turn a bad day into good one. Got my sports shoes and got ready for light stroll in the garden. I got some shoe inserts to support my foot arches and help me recover from my shin splits.

Garden air.. sweet smelling flowers, birds and some senior citizens. I felt and enjoyed all these things as eveyone usually does in a garden. But then after a few minutes into the walk, my eyes got fixed on shoes of a girl walking ahead of me. And I got real disturbed!!

Her shoes looked in utterly bad shape. Nike shoes in such shape.. shame! Totally ill fitting, her foot rotating inside the shoe in random directions. I had just yesterday wrote so much about shin splints; and here this girl walked like this. I kind of felt hundred walkchins echoing inside my head, telling me to go and inform that girl. (Btw, walkchins are mirror brothers of munchkins, who like walking instead of munching!)

Controlling that urge seemed like an herculean task!

So a little pat on back for not approaching random people in garden with unsolicited advice! Looks like this blogging thing is creeping in my day to day life too :०

A few minutes passed by, I saw a couple. Grey hair, 65 something. The man looked atheletic while the woman looked over weight and debilitated. She had some custom made shoes on her feet and she could only take a step of half a foot at a time. The husband calmly was holding her hand and encouraging her to just keep going in similar pace. It was one of the cutest things I saw. I had my eyes teared up, I kind of paused and just stood there. Then smiled and moved on.

Looks like there will be more trips to the garden henceforth :-)

Keep Loving,
~ Determined Diva


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