Hello! After almost a month!

Hi everyone,
This blog was started as a diary towards my journey to weight loss. But then after 5 days there were no more posts from me!

I know whoever has visited this blog during this time (I swear, people visited it! I checked the stats. I am pleasantly surprised :D). Okay, where was I? :P
Yeah, whoever has visited this blog during last 25 days, must have got some pity for me! Alas, one more dieter who couldn't keep her diet going!

BUT! (And I am saying that with a bigger butt now, pun intended, squats work!)
I did not leave my healthy eating habits and workout regimens during this time. I was used to blog from my phone using the blogger app. It messed up big time and I simply didn't have enough time to reset everything! Sorry folks :(

Neverthless, I am at my current weight of 69 kg today. It's been exactly one month since I started this blog.. yay..!! Happy one month anniversary! And I am 5 kg lighter!! 5 KGS..!!

During this time there were lots of ups and downs which I will share with you all. I hope blogger app doesn't act up this time in phone. I would try to blog everyday.

An overview of what happened in last few days: I basically got insights. You know the kinds, like great saints get just before eloping in woods!
- Emotions, eating and emotional eating
- Cyclic patterns in women, more than just the stuff people talk about secretly!
- Will power, will power expenditure and it's consequence in long term
- Dieting is as evil or good as you do it
- Healthy habits make you healthy, diet just leverages you to a good state
- Failures, pitfalls and errors are inevitable. How you deal with it is what matters
- Much more.. :)

I also had some mixed moments:
Health wise, I realised I had exercise induced allergy (allergy due to exercising)
My cousin's wedding came in between! Now that's a challenge to a dieter!

Also, conversations with few friends led me into thinking, Indian have biggest problem of 'what should we eat while dieting'. I would cover that up as well in coming days.

For now, I am signing off.

Loads of love,
Determined Diva.

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